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Year 6

We are leaders at all levels!


Our Year 6 House Captains, Librarians and School Council members are proud to work together with staff and students to Learn, Encourage, Aspire, Respect and Nurture! 

The House Captains

Play Leaders, School Council and Eco Warriors

Librarians and Assembly helpers

Well-being Leader and Prefect

Welcome to Year 6!

Last Day of Year 6

Summer Term 

Does Nature Decide Who Survives?


Welcome back everyone, I hope you all had a lovely Easter break. I have some exciting news to share with you all when we are back at school... smiley But just so you know, I got some Jolly Ranchers from America for you all as requested! 


This is your final term at Primary School! Wow, that makes me emotional! We've been together for 3 years, I am going to miss each and every one of you! crying


But anyway! This term, our essential question is, 'Does nature decide who survives?' It's a brilliant topic to learn about, I know you will all enjoy it! Whilst investigating this question, we will be learning about key historical figures in science such as Charles Darwin who revolutionised the way that people think about evolution. We will use the text and film 'Pig Heart Boy' to write a diary as well as a flashback. Additionally, we will write an information text to inform the reader about what Mr Darwin saw on his adventures. 


In science, we will investigate the process of evolution as well as how we inherit genes. We will also look at how scientist classify different living things including micro organisms.  


In art, you will be using your understanding of evolution and inheritance of genes to create a newly evolved animal using sculpture. In DT, you will be making healthy biscuits of your own creation! 


In geography this term, we will be focusing on developing our mapping skills and using this to conduct fieldwork in our locality around Harlaxton. 


Reading records will continue to be checked on a Monday and house points will be awarded for 4 reads per week. Homework will be set on a Friday, please hand it in on the following Thursday as usual. A weekly spelling test will be held on Friday. The list of words is in the back of your homework book and a copy of the list can be found below.


PE will continue to be on Monday afternoons, however please make sure that you have your PE kits in school for the whole week. 


Below is an overview of what we will be learning about this term in each subject.


Miss Smith 



Spellings - Summer Term 5 and 6

Geography fieldwork

Geography Fieldwork

Spring Term 


Is a natural disaster always a disaster? 


Welcome back everyone, I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas break! smiley I spent a lot of time out walking with Wolfgang in the rain (it was relentless!!), drinking hot chocolates and cleaning up mud! I hope you all managed to have a well deserved rest and enjoyed spending time with your families and friends.


Our essential question this term is, 'Is a natural disaster always a disaster?'. If you watch or read the news, you will know that in recent years there have been many natural disasters in countries all around the world. There have also been some here in the UK, including earthquakes and flooding. In our geography lessons, we will be learning about why these natural disasters occur - focusing on hurricanes, extreme weather, earthquakes, erosion, flooding, biomes and vegetation belts. In history, we will study the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD Pompeii and the impact that this had on the people living there. We will compare Naples in Italy to Lincolnshire in the UK, discussing the similarities and differences between the two regions. 


In English, we will link what we have learnt about volcanoes and Pompeii to our writing starting with a poem describing a volcano and then a persuasive letter from Recinta (a wealthy Roman lady) to Admiral Pliny (a Naval Commander). We will then write a balanced argument detailing whether people should live near a volcano or not. Finally, in groups, we will write and record a news broadcast informing viewers of the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in Pompeii. 

Reading records will continue to be checked on a Monday and house points will be awarded for 4 reads per week. Homework will be set on a Friday, please hand it in on the following Thursday as usual. A weekly spelling test will be held on Friday. The list of words is in the back of your homework book and a copy of the list can be found below.


PE has changed to Monday afternoons, so please make sure that you have your PE kit in school on a Monday. 



Below is an overview of what we will be learning about this term in each subject. This is one of my favourite projects to teach, I hope you are looking forward to it too! smiley


Miss Smith 

SATS Information Evening

Artwork inspired by Andy Warhol and Deyenna Harris

My Style Homework

MyStyle Homework

Maths - Shapes and Measurement


French Weather presentation

Autumn Term 2023


Hi Year 6, smiley


Wow! I can't believe I am saying you are Year 6!!


I hope you all had a wonderful summer holiday, I spent a lot of time walking with Wolfgang and eating lots of chocolate.. it's all about balance! 


We have got so much to look forward to this term, including our residential trip to PGL! Our essential question this term is, 'Why did Oliver ask for more?' Within this, we will study the Victorian era, investigate and compare what life for was for the rich and poor, enquire how inventions and the industrial revolution have impacted our lives today and how the British empire evolved under the reign of Queen Victoria. 


An overview of our learning for this term can be found below. We will consolidate and build on prior knowledge from our PSHE units from last year on equality, prejudice and discrimination.


Within History, we will be exploring the Victorians, including when in history the Victorian era was, significant individuals such as Queen Victoria, Joseph Lister and Dr Barnardo, what life was like for the rich and poor through a comparison of education they received, their health treatment and punishments for crimes. We will explore workhouses and discuss how societal views have evolved; linking this to our PSHE, protected characteristics and British Values. 


Our history will link closely to our chosen texts in English, exploring the Victorians through literature from both Oliver Twist and The Railway Children. We will be publishing a squeal to The Railway Children on Amazon!


In Geography, we will use our mapping skills to locate countries colonised by the British Empire. We will study how the physical geography of these areas enabled Britain to take control and subsequent trade routes that followed. 


Mrs Wicks will be teaching Music, IT and French on a Thursday morning. PE will be on a Thursday afternoon, children are reminded to make sure their PE kit is in school Monday to Friday to ensure they are able to participate in additional whole-school activities that take place in school on different days. As per our school policy, earrings need to be removed during PE and long hair should be tied back.  


Spellings and homework will be provided on a Friday and will need to be returned on the following Thursday; an overview of this term's spellings can be found below.


Reading records are to be filled in daily and signed by a parent, these are checked by an adult in school every Monday and children who read 4 times or more that each week will be rewarded with a house point for that week. Points do mean prizes! For every 10 reading house points, the children will receive a prize from Mrs Edwards! 


Let's see what this term has in store for us - Together We Can Learn! smiley


Miss Smith

DT - Victorian Bridges

Remembrance Day 2023

Anti-bullying Week

Monday 13th – Friday 17th November 2023

Make a noise about bullying!

Anti-Bullying Week 2023: Make a Noise

Bullying affects millions of young lives. Too often, we are silent when we see bullying take place, silent about the hurt bullying causes, and silent when we hear bullying dismissed as 'just banter'. It doesn't have to be this way.

Odd Sock Day - 13.11.23

Andy and the Odd Socks - Make A Noise (official video) for Anti-Bullying Week 2023

Here is our song for Odd Socks Day and Anti-Bullying Week 2023. Anti-Bullying Week starts with Odd Socks Day on the 13th November. This year's theme is 'Make A Noise' and we hope you enjoy our song for the Anti-Bullying Alliance. 'Make A Noise' is the official song for Odd Socks Day and Anti-Bullying Week 2023.

Victorian MyStyle Homework

World Mental Health Awareness Day - 10th October 2023 


This week, Year 6 have been talking about our mental health. We watched the animation below and discussed how some feelings are big feelings and how we can monitor them and what things we can do to help ourselves and others. 

We discussed how to be a good listener and why is it so important to listen to people who may be struggling with their mental health. We then completed the how to be a good listener worksheet. 




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Year 6 have been composing a piece of music inn the style of Edgar’s Variation II.

Talking Mental Health

Talking Mental Health is an animation designed to help begin conversations about mental health in the classroom and beyond. The animation and accompanying resources have been created by a team of animators, children, teachers and clinicians, and is being taught to year 5 and 6 children around the UK.

Harvest Festival Performance

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Maths - Place Value

Science - Forces

PE - Volleyball and Hockey

History - The Victorians and Timelines

Year 6 Summer Term 2023

"How has war changed lives?"


Welcome to Summer Term 2023! I hope everyone in our school community had a fantastic Easter.


We have lots to look forward to this term in Year 6 and our essential question for Summer is "How has war changed lives?" and an overview of our learning can be found below. This term, we will consolidate and build on prior knowledge from our PSHE units in our previous terms on equality, prejudice and discrimination.


Our History focus will take us back to World War 2, exploring the reasons for the war and the important lessons learnt as a society. We will also make links via our chosen texts in English, exploring war through literature from both the British and German perspective. We will also be organising a trip to the Holocaust Museum near Newark where the children will learn more about the impact of the war from the perspective of a Jewish child in Germany.


In Geography, we will use our mapping skills to locate countries involved in the conflict and we will also explore the significance of the RAF bases in our local area of Lincolnshire and how the physical geography of these areas aided the war efforts during this important period in history.


PE will be on a Thursday with Mrs Ainsworth, children are reminded to make sure their PE kit is in school Monday to Friday to ensure they are able to participate in additional whole-school activities that take place in school on different days. As per our school policy, earrings need to be removed during PE and long hair should be tied back. 

Swimming will be on a Friday with me, Mrs Buckley, and children are reminded to bring a one piece swimsuit for the girls and trunks for the boys, a compulsory swim cap and a towel. 


Spellings will be provided on a Friday along with homework which needs to be returned on the following Thursday; an overview of this term's spellings can be found below.


Reading records are to be filled in daily and signed by a parent, these are checked by an adult in school every Tuesday and children who read 4 times or more that each week will be rewarded with a house point for that week. Points do mean prizes! For every 10 reading house points, the children will receive a prize from Mrs Edwards! 


I am looking forward to a successful term with Year 6 - Together We Can! 


Mrs Buckley smiley



Design and Technology - creating a moving vehicle

PSHE - LGBTQ Workshop

Science - Investigating Components and Variables

Spring Term - Our Outcomes 


We had a fantastic Spring term looking at what equality means to all of us individually and exploring inequalities of the past. We learnt about the continent of Africa, Ancient Benin and apartheid. Have a look below at our fantastic outcomes! Well done, Year 6!

African Art using oil paint and collage techniques


On Thursday 23rd March, pupils competed to win points for their house: Romans; Saxons; Vikings. There were six stations, each organised by our Year 6 house captains and each activity was Easter themed! There was: bounce like a bunny over the hurdles, throwing Easter eggs into the holes, jumping onto the dots - which increased in difficulty the further they jumped, bat and ball, how many jumps can you complete in 10 seconds and finally and Easter egg hunt outside! Everyone worked super hard to complete the challenges, but most importantly, they all had fun! 

Romans came 1st with 7075 points 

Vikings came 2nd with 6985 points 

Saxons came 3rd with 5055 points 

Grantham schools' gymnastics success!

Science Week - Dissecting Pig Hearts and Investigating our heart rate

Diversity Workshop

World Book Day 2023

Lincolnshire County Council Internet Safety Transition Workshop

On Monday 27th February, the children in Year 6 were visited by Neil from Lincolnshire County Council to take part in a workshop around internet safety. As the children are getting ready to transition to secondary school it is imperative that they have strategies to ensure they stay safe online. We were able to discuss image sharing, what we allow to be shared publicly online and how to keep personal information safe. 

SATs Parent Meeting Information

Be Internet Legends Safer Internet Day 2023 PUPIL

Safer Internet Day 7th February 2023


On Tuesday 7th February, the children in Year 6 participated in a Safer Internet Day assembly which was hosted by the Google Internet Legends. The children were able to answer quiz questions and test their knowledge of internet safety. 


For more information about the Google Internet Legends and for tips to keep your child safe, please click the link here.

Let’s Connect

During Children's Mental Health Week, Year 6 have focused on making connections to link with this year's theme 'Let's Connect'.


The children were able to give suggestions of ways that we can connect and who we can turn to. We also discussed how this would be important during their transition to secondary school when there would be lots of changes and they will be meeting many new people. 

The Princess of Wales discusses the importance of connections | Children's Mental Health Week

To mark the start of Children's Mental Health Week 2023, The Princess of Wales, Patron of Place2Be, met with primary school children in east London to discuss the importance of supporting children's mental health, and connecting with others.

On Thursday 26th January, Year 6 were joined by Dave from Life Out Loud Ltd to learn all about African drumming, the culture in which the music was developed and had the opportunity to experience drumming for themselves. The children were guided through the process of creating rhythm with their bodies and then with their instruments. Everyone had a fantastic day, creating traditional African masks based on the focus artist from this term, Francis Sampson. For more videos of their amazing drumming, please click here

Drumming Practice

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Warming Up

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Personification Poetry

Year 6 have been working hard creating poetry that included personification. We took our inspiration for the subject of the poem from our current class story, Journey to Jo'Burg, and the children were able to create some excellent description and they enjoyed sharing them by reading aloud. To listen to the children sharing a selection of our poetry, please click here 

Science - Living Things

PE - Dance

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Still image for this video



"What did the Ancient Greeks do for us?"


We had an amazing Autumn term in Year 6 learning about the Ancient Greeks. Please scroll down to take a look at our amazing outcomes. 

Pandora’s Box - Design and Technology

Anti-bullying week 2022

During anti-bullying week the children showed their support by wearing odd socks for the day. We discussed what bullying is and the detrimental affect it can have on a person. The children shared their ideas for how we can reach out and support someone who was being bullied or if we were being bullied ourselves. 

DT - creating a draft of Pandora’s Box

PE - Football

Harvest Festival

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Computer Aided Design Workshop

Practical Maths

Year 6 have been finding common factors, square and cubed numbers and exploring divisibility using cubes. 

Science: Earth and Space

Year 6 2022-2023

Our Values

On a daily basis, the children try to demonstrate our core values within school. As we aim to practise them so often, they become good habits that we can use not only in school but also at home too. 


  • Habit 1: Be Proactive (You’re in Charge)
  • Habit 2: Begin With the End in Mind (Have a Plan)
  • Habit 3: Put First Things First (Work First, Then Play)
  • Habit 4: Think Win-Win (Everyone Can Win)
  • Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood(Listen Before You Talk)
  • Habit 6: Synergise (Together Is Better)
  • Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw (Balance Feels Best)

Growth Mindset


This year we will be helping the children to develop a Growth Mindset.  This aims to increase their resilience, perseverance and independence in their learning.  Further information can be found by following the link below.

British Values
