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PTA Policy and Procedures

Dates for your diary:



Volunteers needed for the first stage in the creation of the new Forest School Nature Area at school. 

All are welcome. Please come along and join us, from 9-4pm even if it is just for an hour. 

Please bring any tools, gloves, PPE, half ton bags for waste etc.

Drinks and biscuits will be provided! 



In the school staff room. We will discuss upcoming events and plans, with some drinks and biscuits.  

All are welcome, we hope to see you there!



After school in the car park. More details will go out via ParentMail.





The PTA would like to take the opportunity to welcome all the new children and parents to the school and hope your children are settling in well, we look forward to meeting you at future events.

If you have any questions regarding our PTA or would like to join, please email us at harlaxtonpta@gmail.com 

Current News from the PTA below!


PTA AGM Thursday 21 March

We are holding our AGM on Thursday 21 March at The Gregory Pub, 19:30. All parents/carers of the school are automatically members of the PTA so everyone is welcome to attend.

The PTA fundraise to enhance our children’s education and whole school experience. We organise the school discos, provide the pantomime, subsidise school trip costs and try to ensure that no child misses out. Without the PTA the children will lose out on many experiences, this is why we always need volunteers and always welcome new faces and ideas. Please do come along.


Easter Egg Sale (not doughnuts!) Thursday 21 March

The PTA will be holding an Easter egg sale on Thursday 21st (& Friday 22nd March if we have any left) after school. Eggs are the small boxed Cadbury ones and will be £1.

Children in afterschool club or on school transport will be able to buy them too and you can preorder in the same way as doughnuts if you know your child is in the after school club/transport that day, drop us an email on harlaxtonpta@gmail.com or via the class Whatsapp groups. If you are not in a class WhatsApp and would like to be please email us. If your child needs an alternative to these chocolate eggs please let us know by Wednesday.

Guess the Easter Bunny’s location Competition, £1

Win a family ticket to Harlaxton Manor Spring Open House worth £40 - The Manor have generously gifted us a family ticket for their Spring Open house on Friday 29/Saturday 30 March to use in our fundraising. They will be hosting Easter family activities & entertainment. To win the family ticket (2 adults/3 children) you are invited to guess where the Easter Bunny is hiding on a map. Each square is £1. The competition will be run alongside Easter egg sales on Thursday & Friday so look out for the map and don’t forget your cash.


Thank you for your support.
