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Year 5

Transition Letter

Year 5

School Council

Eco Warriors

Well-being Champions

Spring Term 3 and 4

What does equality mean to you? 


Hello Year 5 laugh


Welcome back! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas break and enjoyed your time off. 


This term, our essential question is, 'What does equality mean to you?' In English, we will be learning all about Africa. We will read The Zoo and write a balanced argument about whether or not animals should be kept in zoos, we will read Journey to Jo'burg and write a poem - which we will perform and publish on our class page, as well as writing a persuasive letter to end the Apartheid. We will also learn about why Nelson Mandela was a key figure during this time. 


In history, we will conduct a study of Ancient Benin, looking at its leaders during its history and comparing them to British rules at the same time, trade networks within the country and its history of slavery, the Benin Bronzes and if they should be returned to Benin and the decline of the Benin Empire.


In geography, we will use technology and globes/atlases to locate where Benin was and what the country looks like today, identify the climate zones, vegetation belts and biomes of Nigeria and discuss key trends, identify position and significance of longitude, latitude and the equator in Africa, and use the eight points of a compass as well as four and six figure grid references to locate key features within Nigeria.


In art, we will study an African artist, Francis Sampson, and create an African oil painting. Our music will accompany our artwork - we will perform an Apartheid song and publish a video. We will also take part in an African drumming session. 


Our PSHE will also link to equality, we will look at our local community and environment and discuss whether we should look after the environment, the media and media bias, we will discuss the world of work and career opportunities as well as British Scientist. 


Our PE session is still a Monday afternoon but please ensure your PE kit is left in school all week. Homework/spellings will continue to be sent home on a Friday. Please return completed work by Thursday in order for it to be marked. Please make sure you are reading to an adult at least 4 times a week.


This term we also have Mr French joining us, who you met before Christmas. He will be with us most weeks Tuesday-Friday. He will be teaching some of your lessons and helping support you as well as Miss Tyne and myself. 


We look forward to another great term with you all!!


Miss Burch

Year 5 


Autumn Term 

What did the Ancient Greeks do for us?


Hello Year 5! laugh


I hope you all had an amazing summer holiday enjoying yourselves and having lots of fun! I am very excited to see you all and start our journey through year 5 together. 


This term, our essential question is, 'What did the Ancient Greeks do for us?' It's a brilliant topic to learn about and we will be having a Greek Day (more information will be provided soon). Whilst investigating this question, we will be learning about key events within the Ancient Greek period, including the Trojan War, Alexander the Great, Athens Vs Sparta and the difference between the Olympics then and now! Some of you will also be attending the PGL residential trip in October too! 


In science, we will be studying the Earth and Space. We have organised for visitors to come into school for this unit - more information will be provided in the first couple of weeks of school.


In English, we will be writing our own Greek Myth, which will be published and available to be purchased via Amazon. As well as a letter to Zeus, and a newspaper article about the Minotaur.


In DT, you will be making Pandora's Box out of wood, with an emblem created using a 3D printer - how exciting! You will then be creating Ancient Greek inspired designs to decorate your box in art. 


We will also look at the geography of Greece and compare this to the UK, noting similarities and differences. 


Miss Wicks will be teaching a mixture of ICT, French and Music on a Wednesday morning each week.


Reading records will continue to be checked on a Monday and house points will be awarded for 4 reads per week. Homework will be set on a Friday, please hand it in on the following Thursday. A weekly spelling test will be held on Friday. The list of words is in the back of your homework book and a copy of the list can be found on this page.


PE will be on Monday afternoons, however please make sure that you have your PE kits in school for the whole week. 


I have added an overview of what we will be learning about this term in each subject along with key vocabulary 


Let's make this a term to remember - Together We Can Learn!


Miss Burch

Spring Term Topic Overview

My Style- October Half Term

Science 06.02.25


Today, we were discussing point for and against animals being kept in zoos. We created a conscience alley to hear a balance of ‘for’ and ‘against’ points for the argument. 

Conscience alley

Still image for this video

Science 16.01.25

Today we have been dissecting and naming the different parts of flowers.

Year 5 have had a fabulous day making and testing rockets. They then finished their afternoon by creating and designing an aircraft of the future, which could have the chance of being entered into the RIAT competition. They have all had a fantastic day and we hope that they tell you all about it. 

Greek dancing

Still image for this video

PE - Tag Rugby

SNOW 19.11.24

Planetarium visit

Everyone really enjoyed learning about earth and space in the planetarium today!

Odd socks day

This week is anti-bullying week and today we have been wearing odd socks for this!

American pen pals

Receiving and reading our letters from our American pen pals

Our completed letters ready to send back to our new American friends

DT skills practice for the structure of Pandora’s box

Year 5 CAD workshop- The children have been working on ‘Tinkercad’ this morning and have created locks for their Pandora’s box, which they are currently making in DT.


In maths we have been learning about square numbers.

Harvest festival

Still image for this video
Today, Year 5 sang the ‘harvest rock and roll’ at the harvest festival.


Still image for this video
Today, the children were learning the difference between the Geocentric model and Heliocentric model. The children were put into groups and given the task to act the different models out.

Geocentric model


Still image for this video
Heliocentric model


We have been looking at different ways to show and describe our emotions when writing our Greek Myths.

Story mapping the story of Pandora’s box 


We have been researching lots of facts about Greece to make information leaflets.


We have been practicing our acting and questioning skills by hot seating to show what we have learnt from the texts we have read during comprehension lessons.

Leader in Me


On a daily basis, the children try to demonstrate our core values within school. As we aim to practise them so often, they become good habits that we can use not only in school but also at home too. 


  • Habit 1: Be Proactive (You’re in Charge)
  • Habit 2: Begin With the End in Mind (Have a Plan)
  • Habit 3: Put First Things First (Work First, Then Play)
  • Habit 4: Think Win-Win (Everyone Can Win)
  • Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood(Listen Before You Talk)
  • Habit 6: Synergise (Together Is Better)
  • Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw (Balance Feels Best)
British Values
