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Year 5

Summer Term 

Does Nature Decide Who Survives?


Welcome back year 5. I hope everyone had a lovely Easter break and made lots of memories. Hasn't year 5 gone quick! This is our final term and we will be learning all about Evolution.


This term, our essential question is, 'Does nature decide who survives?'  Whilst investigating this question, we will be learning about key historical figures in science such as Charles Darwin who revolutionised the way that people think about evolution. We will use the text and film 'Pig Heart Boy' to write a diary as well as a flashback. Additionally, we will write an information text to inform the reader about what Mr Darwin saw on his adventures. 


In science, we will investigate the process of evolution as well as how we inherit genes. We will also look at how scientist classify different living things including micro organisms.  


In art, you will be using your understanding of evolution and inheritance of genes to create a newly evolved animal using sculpture. In DT, you will be making healthy biscuits of your own creation! 


In geography this term, we will be focusing on developing our mapping skills and using this to conduct fieldwork in our locality around Harlaxton. 


Reading records will continue to be checked on a Monday and house points will be awarded for 4 reads per week. Homework will be set on a Friday, please hand it in on the following Thursday as usual. A weekly spelling test will be held on Friday. The list of words is in the back of your homework book and a copy of the list can be found below.


PE will be on Tuesday afternoons and swimming on a Friday morning however please make sure that you have your PE kits in school for the whole week. 


Below is an overview of what we will be learning about this term in each subject.


Miss Burch


Year 5 Parent Overview- Evolution

Year 5 


Hello year 5.smiley


I hope you all had an amazing summer holiday enjoying yourselves and having lots of fun! I am very excited to see you all and start our journey through year 5 together. 


We have got so much to look forward to this term, including our residential trip to PGL! Our essential question this term is, 'Why did Oliver ask for more?' Within this, we will study the Victorian era, investigate and compare what life was like for the rich and poor, enquire how inventions and the industrial revolution have impacted our lives today and how the British empire evolved under the reign of Queen Victoria. 


An overview of our learning for this term can be found below. We will consolidate and build on prior knowledge from our PSHE units from last year on equality, prejudice and discrimination.


Within History, we will be exploring the Victorians, including when in history the Victorian era was, significant individuals such as Queen Victoria, Joseph Lister and Dr Barnardo, what life was like for the rich and poor through a comparison of education they received, their health treatment and punishments for crimes. We will explore workhouses and discuss how societal views have evolved; linking this to our PSHE, protected characteristics and British Values. 


In Geography, we will use our mapping skills to locate countries colonised by the British Empire. We will study how the physical geography of these areas enabled Britain to take control and subsequent trade routes that followed. 


Our history will link closely to our chosen texts in English, exploring the Victorians through literature from both Oliver Twist and The Railway Children. We will be publishing a sequel to The Railway Children on Amazon!


Mrs Wicks will be teaching Music, IT and French on a Thursday afternoon. PE will be on a Monday afternoon, children are reminded to make sure their PE kit is in school Monday to Friday to ensure they are able to participate in additional whole-school activities that take place in school on different days. As per our school policy, earrings need to be removed during PE and long hair should be tied back.  


Spellings and homework will be provided on a Friday and will need to be returned on the following Thursday with a spelling test on the Thursday; an overview of this term's spellings can be found below.


Reading records are to be filled in daily and signed by a parent, these are checked by an adult in school every Tuesday and children who read 4 times or more each week will be rewarded with a house point for that week. Points do mean prizes! For every 10 reading house points, the children will receive a prize from Mrs Edwards! 


Let's make this a term to remember - Together We Can Learn!


Miss Burch smiley

Spring Term


Welcome back year 5! I hope you have had a lovely Christmas.

This term we will be learning all about Natural Disasters. Below is the overview for each subject.


Spring Term Overview- Natural Disasters

Art- Sculptures in the style of Kendra Haste

Friday 24th May 2024

My Style homework – Summer term


In science this term, we have explored the concept of evolution and adaptation required to survive. Using our understanding of the theory of evolution and Charles Darwin’s work on the ‘Origins of species’, we have designed a newly evolved animal that we will create after half term in art, using sculpture.


With your newly evolved animal in mind, I would like you to design/create your animal’s habitat. Think about how your animal had to adapt to suit its environment. What had changed? Maybe the trees have grown extremely tall and there is no sunlight, maybe the sea level has risen due to the melting of glaciers, and it has flooded the area, so your animal has evolved to grow gills!


Your My Style can be something that you make physically, design on the computer using PowerPoint or a poster/drawing – however, if you make it, it must be made from only recyclable material.


Please hand in your creation in the week commencing Monday 10th June, so that we can create a sculpture gallery in the classroom to showcase your artwork.


Miss Burch 😊

My Style homework- Summer Term

Move for mental health week

Warning Zone trip

Volcanic art in the style of Andy Warhol and Deyanira Harris

News Broadcast- Mount Vesuvius eruption

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The children have been writing news broadcasts for our most recent English topic.

News Broadcast- Mount Vesuvius eruption

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The children have been writing news broadcasts for our most recent English topic.

News Broadcast- Mount Vesuvius eruption

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The children have been writing news broadcasts for our most recent English topic.

News Broadcast- Mount Vesuvius eruption

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The children have been writing news broadcasts for our most recent English topic.

News Broadcast- Mount Vesuvius eruption

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The children have been writing news broadcasts for our most recent English topic.

Mystyle Homework- February Half Term

Christmas cup

Christmas Jumper day

Santa Dash

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Unfortunately, it was too wet to run but year 5 enjoyed taking part in the Santa dash dancing.

Victorian Christmas- school trip

School trip- Victorian Christmas

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The children took park in many games and learnt what it was like to be a Victorian child.

PE- Tag rugby with Mr Dodd

Art final pieces in the style of Lowry.


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Using a variety of instruments to compose a piece of music in the style of Elgar.


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Active learning

Science - gravity experiment

Year 5 Summer Term 5 & 6 2023


"How has war changed lives?"


Hi Year 5 smiley,


Our final term together as Year 5's - Summer Term 2023! I hope you all had a fantastic Easter break, involving lots of chocolate (I know mine did!!). 


We have lots to look forward to this term in Year 5, including workshops, a trip, visitors and sports day! Our essential question for Summer is, "How has war changed lives?" Within this, we will investigate how the Second World War impacted society in Britain at the time, how it impacted individuals around the world but also how this event impacted our lives today.  


An overview of our learning for this term can be found below. We will consolidate and build on prior knowledge from our PSHE units in our previous terms on equality, prejudice and discrimination.


Within History, we will be exploring World War 2, including the reasons for the war and the important lessons learnt. This will link closely to our chosen texts in English, exploring war through literature from both the British and German perspective. Furthermore, we will visit the Holocaust Museum near Newark where you will learn more about the impact of the war from the perspective of a Jewish child in Germany.


In Geography, we will use our mapping skills to locate countries involved in the conflict and investigate the significance of the RAF bases in our local area of Lincolnshire and how the physical geography of these areas aided the war efforts during this important period in history.


PE will be on a Wednesday afternoon, children are reminded to make sure their PE kit is in school Monday to Friday to ensure they are able to participate in additional whole-school activities that take place in school on different days. As per our school policy, earrings need to be removed during PE and long hair should be tied back.  


Spellings and homework will be provided on a Friday and will need to be returned on the following Thursday; an overview of this term's spellings can be found below.


Reading records are to be filled in daily and signed by a parent, these are checked by an adult in school every Monday and children who read 4 times or more that each week will be rewarded with a house point for that week. Points do mean prizes! For every 10 reading house points, the children will receive a prize from Mrs Edwards! 


We are going to have such a fun-filled term - Together We Can! smiley


Miss Smith  


Rounders Competition - 2nd place

WWII Anderson shelters

Maths - volume and capacity

What’s in the box workshop

DT - WWII Vehicles

Science - Light

Using Purple Mash coding to create a WWII Game

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Computing - coding


Reading outside

King Charles’ Coronation Tea Party and Activities

Geography - Axis and Allies in WWII

Science - Electricity

Science TAPS Assessment Videos - Scan the QR to view or click 'School Videos' below

Science - Electrical Circuits

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Welcome to Year 5!

What does equality mean to you?



Welcome back Year 5! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas break smiley We have so much to look forward to this term.


Our essential question for Spring is "What does equality mean to you?". This topic links nicely to what we covered in autumn term's PSHE when we discussed how we can identify where inequality has been demonstrated.


Within history, we will study Africa and Ancient Benin, making contrasts to their advanced society and our own British history at that time. We will also make links via our chosen texts in English, exploring apartheid and the impact on the society at that time. Year 5 and 6 will take part in an Africa Day experience whereby Lincolnshire Music Service will perform and teach you about traditional African drumming! 


In Geography, we will learn about rivers and how they are formed, comparing rivers in the continent of Africa and beyond. We will build on our knowledge of longitude and latitude and using maps of different scales. Your My Style homework this term will be based around this topic - more details to follow soon. 


I have included an overview of this term's teaching below, detailing what we will be covering in each subject as well as the key vocabulary we will be using this term. Spellings for this term have also been uploaded below. Spelling tests will continue to be held on a Friday each week, focusing on our Read Write Inc. spelling patterns. 


Year 5 will be continuing with swimming lessons on a Wednesday morning with Mrs Ainsworth and Mrs Wicks. Our PE will be on a Wednesday afternoon, however, we do ask that the children bring their PE kit into school on a Monday and take it home on Friday. All jewellery must be removed during PE, including fitness watches. 


Reading records should be completed daily and signed by a parent, these are checked by an adult in school every Monday and children who read 4 times or more that each week will be rewarded with a house point for that week. Remember, for every 10 reading house points, you will receive a prize from Mrs Edwards! 


Please continue to check our class page regularly to see what we have been learning about each week. smiley


Miss Smith 

Topic Web - Spring 2023


On Thursday 23rd March, pupils competed to win points for their house: Romans; Saxons; Vikings. There were six stations, each organised by our Year 6 house captains and each activity was Easter themed! There was: bounce like a bunny over the hurdles, throwing Easter eggs into the holes, jumping onto the dots - which increased in difficulty the further they jumped, bat and ball, how many jumps can you complete in 10 seconds and finally and Easter egg hunt outside! Everyone worked super hard to complete the challenges, but most importantly, they all had fun! 

Romans came 1st with 7075 points 

Vikings came 2nd with 6985 points 

Saxons came 3rd with 5055 points 



Science Week - Dissecting pig hearts and investigating our heart rate

Grantham schools' gymnastic competition success!

Snow day - 10.03.2023

Snow Day Home Learning 

As some of you are unable to attend school due to the weather conditions, below is your home  learning for today. Please complete your work on paper and hand in upon your return to school. smiley 


Miss Smith 

Diversity Workshop

Science - The heart

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Science - The heart

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Science - The heart

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Science -The heart

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Science - The heart

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World Book Day 2023

Should zoos be allowed? Conscience Alley

Be Internet Legends Safer Internet Day 2023

Uploaded by Parent Zone on 2023-01-09.

On Tuesday 7th February, the whole school participated in a Safer Internet Day assembly which was hosted by the Google Internet Legends. The children were able to answer quiz questions and test their knowledge of internet safety. 


For more information about the Google Internet Legends and for tips to keep your child safe, please click the link here.

Mental Health Week 2023 


During Children's Mental Health Week, Year 5 focused on how we make connections every day with those around us linking to this year's theme 'Let's Connect'.


As a class, we created a paper chin demonstrating the different connections we have with friends, family and those around us at school each day. We discussed the importance of making connections online and referred back to our internet safety lesson.


The Princess of Wales discusses the importance of connections | Children's Mental Health Week

To mark the start of Children's Mental Health Week 2023, The Princess of Wales, Patron of Place2Be, met with primary school children in east London to discuss the importance of supporting children's mental health, and connecting with others.

Science TAPS Assessment - please visit the video page to view

Science TAPS Assessment - life cycles

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Science TAPS Assessment - life cycles

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Science TAPS Assessment - Life cycles

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Science TAPS Assessment

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African Tribal Mask inspired by Francis Sampson

African Experience

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African Drumming 26.1.23

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African Drumming Experience

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Sneak peak of Year 5’s personification poems

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Please visit our class section on the school videos page to view the full performance 😊

Autumn Term 1 and 2 


"What did the Ancient Greeks do for us?"

Christmas Cup 07.12.22

Children in Need Danceathon 18.11.22

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DT - Making Pandora's Box

PE - Yoga and Netball

Anti Bullying week - Odd sock day 14.11.22

Bikeability Week

Debating - Athens v Sparta

Maths - place value

DT creating a Pandora's box - Skills practise

Science - Shadows

Active Learning

PE circuits



At Harlaxton we use the White Rose Scheme of work to support our planning and teaching of Mastery Maths lesson. Mastery Maths is broken it 5 elements - please see the diagram below.


White Rose have launched home-learning resources, which can be found at the following link. These resources include film clips, questions and answers. I may refer to these on the weekly timetable.



Top tips from White Rose for everyday maths at home.





The NCETM have now produced learning clips which are delivered by Maths Specialists for each year group with new ones being released each week. They have also created a Facebook page for Parents, Teachers and Maths Specialist for support.






Gareth Metcalfe has launched home learning lessons, where he will build understanding in small steps (this will be in the form of a video) before setting the children a task. These will be launched each day at 9am. His website can be found at the following link.



Year 5 Maths - Examples of the 4 operations.

Pie Corbett's reading spine - Year 5

Online links


Your child's usernames and passwords can be found in their home-learning book.





Purple Mash



TT Rockstars



Classroom Secrets Kids






Literacy Shed - free resources – ‘Activity Packs’ with a range of clips, writing and maths challenges



Met Office - DIY activities



BBC Bitesize - Primary


Leader in Me


On a daily basis, the children try to demonstrate our core values within school. As we aim to practise them so often, they become good habits that we can use not only in school but also at home too. 


  • Habit 1: Be Proactive (You’re in Charge)
  • Habit 2: Begin With the End in Mind (Have a Plan)
  • Habit 3: Put First Things First (Work First, Then Play)
  • Habit 4: Think Win-Win (Everyone Can Win)
  • Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood(Listen Before You Talk)
  • Habit 6: Synergise (Together Is Better)
  • Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw (Balance Feels Best)

Growth Mindset


This year we will be helping the children to develop a Growth Mindset. This aims to increase their resilience, perseverance and independence in their learning. Further information can be found by following the link below.

British Values
Useful websites for additional homework ideas.
