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Year 4

Year 4 Transition Booklet

Academic Year 2023-24

Summer Term

Welcome back.  We hope that you've all had a lovely Easter break and are ready for another busy term.  This term our essential question is 'What were the greatest achievements of the ancient Egyptians?

Please see the curriculum overview below for an outline of what we will be learning this term.  

 - PE will be on a Friday  

 - Homework will be given out on a Friday and must be returned by the following Thursday.

 - Reading records will be checked every Monday and children will receive a house point if their reading record has been signed 4 times by an adult in the previous week.

- Spellings will be tested every Monday.


Miss Ironmonger, Miss Hailes and Miss Tyne







Multiplication Test - information for parents

Playing the clarinet

PE Athletics

Science - insulators and conductors

DT - designing tombs



In English we have written news broadcasts.  Click on the link to see our broadcasts. 




Click on the link to see us playing the clarinet.


My Style homework

World Book Day

World Book Day - Reading for pleasure

Internet Safety Workshop


Skipping challenge

Christmas Party

Carol Concert - Playing the handbells to festive songs

Christmas cup photos

Odd Sock Day - Anti Bullying Week

School trip - Collection museum Lincoln

Harvest festival - click on the link below to watch us singing in church.

Year 4 - school council


Maths - Term 1


In English we have written our own play scripts based on the story of Romulus and Remus.  Please look on the video page to watch our plays. 

Violins - We have been learning the parts of the violin and the names of the notes.



Science - Investigating - 'Do the tallest children have the biggest feet?'

P.E - point and patch balances

Please encourage your child to practise their times tables in preparation for the end of Year 4 Multiplication Check.  Using the following websites and APPs will enable your child to become more proficient in their recall of multiplication facts


ttrockstars.com - children have individual log ins in homework books


www.topmarks.co.uk - hit the button. This is also available as an APP


Children enjoyed dressing up in their pj's on World Book Day.  They have worked togther to complete book scavenger hunts as well as creating a blurb for the story of Hiccup the Viking who was seasick.

Uploading Work

Still image for this video


Handwriting booklet - common exception words



Online links


Your children have their usernames and passwords in their homework book.


Purple Mash



TT Rockstars










Leader in Me


On a daily basis, the children try to demonstrate our core values within school. As we aim to practise them so often, they become good habits that we can use not only in school but also at home too. 


  • Habit 1: Be Proactive (You’re in Charge)
  • Habit 2: Begin With the End in Mind (Have a Plan)
  • Habit 3: Put First Things First (Work First, Then Play)
  • Habit 4: Think Win-Win (Everyone Can Win)
  • Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood(Listen Before You Talk)
  • Habit 6: Synergise (Together Is Better)
  • Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw (Balance Feels Best)


Growth Mindset


This year we will be helping the children to develop a Growth Mindset. This aims to increase their resilience, perseverance and independence in their learning. Further information can be found by following the link below.

British Values

Useful websites for additional homework ideas.

Documents - please click to open
