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Vision and Values

Our school vision links to our Values


As church schools we strive to embed all our teaching and learning within a Christian ethos. We use a set of daily values.


These values are:

 1:   Be Proactive  You can be the agent of change in the world

 2:   Begin With the End in Mind   Think about the 'whole picture', what would you like to achieve?

 3:   Put First Things First   Start with the important things which will leave room for play

 4:  Think Win-Win   Find solutions to problems and compromise

 5:  Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood   • Listen carefully to what people are trying to communicate to you and try to understand their point of view before offering your opinion or advice.

 6: Synergize   Work together - two heads are better than one.

 7: Sharpen the Saw   Find ways to look after your body, mind and spirit so that you can help others.


Why not try out some of these values in your own life? 
